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Sunday 18 July 2010

Lonesome sailing girl gone astray...

There is another lonesome sailing girl out there. But I have the impression that there is something fishy about her story... I am not sure what is going on but for a solo-around-the-world trip you need as much positive vibe's as possible
She also is teaming up with Sea Sheperd!? Although the cause of Sea Sheperd may be a noble one, they are however flirting with illegality. I just hope this won't scare off too many potential supporters. Did she find the best advisers to help her realise her dream? The future will tell us...
Before I include her in my gang of lonesome sailing girls, I'll wait for some more positive vibe's to roll this way,


1 comment:

  1. Bonjour Haïku-Jamie,

    Aren't you a bit fast on the trigger?:-)

    Very unlike Lucky Luke who only shoots at his own shadow! :-)

    Come in for a visit and read some real info about Laura Dekker - yes, she has a name and is pretty much made out of the same stuff as Lucky Luke!

    Come in, you are welcome!

    In friendship,

    I like your haïkus.
